visiting variants using lambdas - part 2

18 october 2016

In my previous article, “visiting variants using lambdas - part 1”, I wrote about a simple technique (using boost::hana) that allows variant visitation using lambdas.

The technique consisted in passing several lambdas to boost::hana::overload in order to create a “local” visitor, without having to define a class/struct.

Here’s an example:

using vnum = vr::variant<int, float, double>;

auto vnp = make_visitor
    [](int x)    { cout << x << "i\n"; },
    [](float x)  { cout << x << "f\n"; },
    [](double x) { cout << x << "d\n"; }

// Prints "0i"
vnum v0{0};
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

// Prints "5f"
v0 = 5.f;
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

// Prints "33.51d"
v0 = 33.51;
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

(You can find a similar example on GitHub.)

“Recursive” variants

A “recursive” variant is a variant which can contain itself, and can be used to represent recursive structures (e.g. JSON objects).

Neither std::variant nor boost::variant make use of dynamic memory allocation, however - you can think of them as tagged unions. This means that variants have fixed size, and that the snippet below will not compile:

struct my_variant
    // ...what is `sizeof(_data)`?
    vr::variant<int, my_variant> _data;

Therefore, in order to allow the definition of recursive variants, indirection must be used. Making use of dynamic memory allocation is a straightforward way of achieving this: std::unique_ptr or std::vector are examples of data structures that can be used to define recursive variants. Here’s an example that compiles:

struct my_variant
    // OK!
    vr::variant<int, std::unique_ptr<my_variant>> _data;

Let’s move on by extending the vnum variant type (seen in part 1) to support vectors of other vnum instances.

The first problem is that the variant will have to refer to itself in its own type alias definition - one possible solution is forward-declaring a vnum_wrapper class (which can be safely “stored” in std::vector since the approval of N4510):

namespace impl
    struct vnum_wrapper;

    using varr = std::vector<vnum_wrapper>;
    using vnum = vr::variant<int, float, double, varr>;

    struct vnum_wrapper
        vnum _data;

        template <typename... Ts>
        vnum_wrapper(Ts&&... xs)
            : _data{std::forward<Ts>(xs)...}

// Expose `vnum` and `varr` to the user
using vnum = impl::vnum;
using impl::varr;

Thanks to the indirection provided by std::vector and to the wrapper class, vnum can now be used recursively:

vnum v0 = 0;
vnum v1 = 5.f;
vnum v2 = 33.51;
vnum v3 = varr{vnum{1}, vnum{2.0}, vnum{3.f}};
vnum v4 = varr{vnum{5}, varr{vnum{7}, vnum{8.0}, vnum{9.}}, vnum{4.f}};

(Note that creating something similar to vnum_wrapper works well with both boost::variant and std::variant. There is a small caveat: it does not compile with libc++ unless the constructor is constrained using enable_if. See the addendum section for more information.)

Let’s take a look visitation techniques in the following sections.

“Traditional” recursive visitation

As seen in the last article, this technique requires the definition of a separate class/struct. The implementation is straightforward:

struct vnum_printer
    void operator()(int x)    { cout << x << "i\n"; }
    void operator()(float x)  { cout << x << "f\n"; }
    void operator()(double x) { cout << x << "d\n"; }

    void operator()(const varr& arr)
        for(const auto& x : arr)
            vr::visit_recursively(*this, x);

The vr::visit_recursively function is a simple wrapper for vr::visit that hides the vnum_wrapper::_data access:

template <typename TVisitor, typename TVariant>
decltype(auto) visit_recursively(TVisitor&& visitor, TVariant&& variant)
    return vr::visit

All that’s left is invoking vr::visit, and everything just works™:

// Prints "0i".
vnum v0{0};
vr::visit(vnum_printer{}, v0);

// Prints "5f".
v0 = 5.f;
vr::visit(vnum_printer, v0);

// Prints "33.51d".
v0 = 33.51;
vr::visit(vnum_printer, v0);

// Prints "1i 2d 3f".
v0 = varr{vnum{1}, vnum{2.0}, vnum{3.f}};
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

// Prints "5i 7i 8d 9d 4f".
v0 = varr{vnum{5}, varr{vnum{7}, vnum{8.0}, vnum{9.}}, vnum{4.f}};
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

(You can find a similar example on GitHub.)

“Lambda-based” recursive visitation - take one

Applying the boost::hana::overload solution seen in part one to recursive variants seems like a reasonable plan.

auto my_visitor = boost::hana::overload
    [](int x)    { cout << x << "i\n"; },
    [](float x)  { cout << x << "f\n"; },
    [](double x) { cout << x << "d\n"; },

    [&](const varr& arr)
        for(const auto& x : arr)
            vr::visit_recursively(my_visitor, x);

Unfortunately, we are greeted with a compiler error:

error: variable ‘my_visitor’ declared with ‘auto’ type cannot appear in its own initializer

(You can find a similar example on GitHub.)

In short, the problem is that my_visitor’s type will be deduced from its own initialization… but my_visitor is also part of the initialization! If we had a way to explicitly specify the lambda’s type in place of auto, the above code snippet could compile. More details about this issue can be found here.

One common solution that is used to implement recursive lambdas is using std::function, which allows auto to be replaced with an explicit type that does not need to be deduced. Unfortunately std::function is not a zero-cost abstraction, as it’s a general-purpose polymorphic wrapper. (Benchmarks supporting my claim will be shown later in this article.)

“Lambda-based” recursive visitation - take two

Bringing algebraic data types from the functional programming world into C++ isn’t enough - we’re also going to adopt another powerful construct: the Y Combinator.

Long story short, this fixed-point combinator allows recursion to be implemented in programming languages that do not natively support it. The previous statement applies to C++ lambdas: we can use the Y Combinator to implement recursion. (A very good in-depth explanation of the combinator is available here.)

Thankfully, a production-ready implementation of the Y Combinator is available as boost::hana::fix. Here’s an example of its usage:

auto factorial = boost::hana::fix([](auto self, auto n) -> int
        if(n == 0)
            return 1;

        return n * self(n - 1);

assert(factorial(5) == 120);

Here are some important points you need to take note of:

  • factorial’s type is deduced through auto. No additional indirection a la std::function is introduced here.

  • boost::hana::fix takes a callable object with the desired arity plus one as its argument, because “the lambda is passed to itself” on every recursive step as the self parameter.

  • The recursive step is implemented by calling self, not factorial.

    • Note that factorial does not appear in the body of the lambda, thus avoiding the previously seen compiler error.
  • boost::hana::fix requires a trailing return type.

  • The factorial function can be called as usual - the user does not have to pass any additional argument to it.

(If you are interested in learning how to implement your own Y Combinator, check out this question I asked on StackOverflow when trying to understand the construct and write my own version of it.)

Now that we have a way of defining recursive lambdas, we can finally implement a recursive lambda-based visitor. In order to make it easy for the user to implement their own visitors, a make_recursive_visitor function will be provided, which can be used as follows:

// The desired return type must be explicitly specified.
auto vnp = make_recursive_visitor<void>
    // Non-recursive cases.
    // The first argument is ignored.
    [](auto, int x)    { cout << x << "i\n"; },
    [](auto, float x)  { cout << x << "f\n"; },
    [](auto, double x) { cout << x << "d\n"; },

    // Recursive case.
    // The first argument allows recursive visitation.
    [](auto recurse, const varr& arr)
        for(const auto& x : arr)

All the magic is inside make_recursive_visitor - here’s its commented implementation:

template <typename TReturn, typename... TFs>
auto make_recursive_visitor(TFs&&... fs)
    // Create and return a Y Combinator that allows the visitor to call itself.
    // The trailing return type is required.
    return boost::hana::fix([&fs...](auto self, auto&& x) -> TReturn
            // Immediately build and call an overload of all visitor "branches".
            // The created overload is called with:
            // * A function that takes a variant and visits it recursively as
            //   the first argument.
            // * The current value of the variant as the second argument.
            return boost::hana::overload(std::forward<TFs>(fs)...)(
                [&self](auto&& v)
                    return vr::visit_recursively(self, v);

(Note that the return type could probably be deduced inside make_recursive_visitor by inspecting the return type of every passed lambda using decltype.)

Now we can put everything together to finally visit a recursive variant using lambdas!

auto vnp = make_recursive_visitor<void>
    [](auto, int x)    { cout << x << "i\n"; },
    [](auto, float x)  { cout << x << "f\n"; },
    [](auto, double x) { cout << x << "d\n"; },
    [](auto recurse, const varr& arr)
        for(const auto& x : arr) recurse(x);

// Prints "0i".
vnum v0{0};
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

// Prints "5f".
v0 = 5.f;
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

// Prints "33.51d".
v0 = 33.51;
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

// Prints "1i 2d 3f".
v0 = varr{vnum{1}, vnum{2.0}, vnum{3.f}};
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

// Prints "5i 7i 8d 9d 4f".
v0 = varr{vnum{5}, varr{vnum{7}, vnum{8.0}, vnum{9.}}, vnum{4.f}};
vr::visit(vnp, v0);

Again, keep in mind that this technique does not work well if you require stateful visitors - use a class/struct in that situation.

(You can find a similar example on GitHub.)

You’re probably now asking…

Why go through all that trouble? Why not just use std::function?

As I mentioned earlier, std::function is not a zero-cost abstraction. To prove it, I’ve written a simple factorial lambda test that can be conditionally compiled to either use std::function or boost::hana::fix. The complete results are available in the addendum section. In short:

  • g++ -O3 produces 4572 bytes of assembly for std::function. (!)

  • g++ -O3 produces 1583 bytes of assembly for boost::hana::fix.

  • clang++ -O3 produces 7146 bytes of assembly for std::function. (!)

  • clang++ -O3 produces 765 bytes of assembly for boost::hana::fix.

“Lambda-based” recursive visitation - take three?

If you value minimalist and elegant interfaces, you may have noticed that the user is forced to add an extra auto parameter to every non-recursive visitor lambda. This is a very annoying problem which is not easy to solve.

I am working on a solution that detects the arity of lambdas at compile-time (yes, even generic lambdas). I am also experimenting with detecting whether or not a lambda is generic in order to automatically deduce the return type of the recursive visitor.

So far, the following code seems to work properly on both major compilers and with both std::variant and boost::variant:

    // "Base cases", unary.
    [](int x)    { cout << x << "i\n"; },
    [](float x)  { cout << x << "f\n"; },
    [](double x) { cout << x << "d\n"; },

    // "Special case", constrained.
    [](auto x) -> enable_if_t<is_arithmetic<decay_t<decltype(x)>>{}>
        cout << x << "n\n";

    // Recursive case, `std::vector`.
    [](auto recurse, const varr& x)
        for(const auto& y : x) recurse(y);

    // Recursive case, `std::map`.
    [](auto recurse, const vmap& x)
        for(const auto& y : x) recurse(y.second);

The code above can be successfully used to visit a recursive variant. The lambdas can be passed in any order to make_recursive_visitor. As soon as I clean it up and make sure that there are no hidden gotchas, I will write an article about its implementation.


Fixing vnum_wrapper in libc++

When attempting to visit (either “traditionally” or with lambdas) a recursive variant defined using a wrapper similar to vnum_wrapper, everything seems to work properly… until you try compiling with libc++. That’s when you get an horrible error

Recursive variant visitation error on libc++

…and that’s when you ask a question on StackOverflow.

Thank’s to T.C.’s extremely helpful and in-depth reply, I did not only manage to solve the issue, but also to understand its obscure cause. I strongly recommend going through the SO thread to learn more about this.

In the end, adding this std::enable_if_t to the wrapper’s constructor did the trick:

        std::is_same<std::decay_t<Ts>, my_variant_wrapper>...

A complete minimal example is available here on wandbox.

std::function vs Y combinator

Here are the full results for the simple benchmark I ran. The goal of the benchmark was to show people the overhead introduced by std::function, which is a very generic callable object wrapper that can introduce dynamic memory allocation and virtual-like function call overhead.

The benchmarks compares the size of the generated assembly between these two recursive factorial implementations:


std::function<int(int)> f = [&](int x)
    if(x == 0)
        return 1;
    return x * f(x - 1);


auto f = boost::hana::fix([](auto self, int x) -> int
    if(x == 0)
        return 1;
    return x * self(x - 1);


The tested compilers were:

  • g++ 6.2.1

  • clang++ 3.8.1

The code and the assembly output is available here.

g++ -O1
Bytes Relative size change
Baseline 257 0
hana::fix 1983 +671%
std::function 4531 +1663%
g++ -O2
Bytes Relative size change
Baseline 307 0
hana::fix 1583 +415%
std::function 4572 +1389%
g++ -O3 (and -Ofast)
Bytes Relative size change
Baseline 307 0
hana::fix 1583 +415%
std::function 4572 +1389%
clang++ -O1
Bytes Relative size change
Baseline 680 0
hana::fix 2347 +245%
std::function 18638 +2640%
clang++ -O2
Bytes Relative size change
Baseline 680 0
hana::fix 1848 +171%
std::function 7146 +950%
clang++ -O3 (and -Ofast)
Bytes Relative size change
Baseline 680 0
hana::fix 765 +12.5%
std::function 7146 +950%


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